
01244638219 or 07719535523

Home Improvements Mold

Home Improvements Mold

Quirks Property Maintenance LTD is experienced Home Improvements in Mold with a wide range of skills and expertise. We specialise in renovations, new builds, country houses, extensions, brickwork and groundwork. We can also call on other qualified trades to complete any property project regardless of size or scope.

Our building team is made up of qualified builders and plumbers with many years’ experience between them. Each has a track record of success in their chosen field and are rapidly repeating that with QPM LTD

Finding a quality builder in Flintshire is much harder than it should be and QPM LTD aim to change all that. By using only top tier trades that deliver consistent quality workmanship, we can offer great value and full guarantees on everything we do. Just one reason to try QPM LTD!

We hope you enjoy the website, why not look at the services we offer or get in touch.

Got an Emergency? We have a 24 Hour Call out Available.

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